Elevate your health content with the unparalleled view of a nurse writer

My name is Victoria and I am a registered nurse passionate about bridging the worlds of journalism and nursing to provide your consumers with credible, engaging and high quality health information.
As a clinical nurse educator working directly with patients for over 10 years, you can be confident that the content I deliver is relatable and backed by evidence.

What I Do

I work with companies and organizations to produce health-related content that they can stand behind, while knowing it will resonate with their readers.
My expertise lies in researching and organizing information, then turning these complex health and medical topics into digestible information that inspire people to take action on that particular subject.​​​​
Communicating with patients to relay information and motivate change is not new to me; I have been doing this for 12 years. This is simply an alternative channel to reach a similar goal.​